Since you can easily ruin textiles through incorrect care, you should always take a close look at the sewn -in care label before the first washing in the machine.To find on it are information about the wash cycle and how many degrees you should wash.Attention in the case of new clothes: parts that enter or become unsightly by false washing or becoming unless cannot be claimed or exchanged!
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So that nothing runs in the machine, breaks or discolored, you have to sort the laundry before washing, namely:
Colors: bright and dark colors are separated.White laundry is best washed separately in the machine.And: new clothes in very strong or dark colors usually turn off.So when washed for the first time, be particularly careful and only put together with very similar colors in the drum.
Material: The respective material and its sensitivity decides whether and in which program the laundry can be washed in the washing machine.And at what temperature and with which detergent.
Visible and strong spots should be treated before regular laundry.How exactly you can remove which stains from your clothes can be found here:
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Wash the laundry: give bacteria and viruses a chance!
In times of Covid-19, of course, the question quickly arises whether you have to wash your laundry differently to kill the Coronavirus.The Federal Center for Health Education advises the following hygiene measures:
Spilled cars and cleaning towels as well as towels, washcloths, bed linen and underwear should be washed at least 60 degrees with a fully detergent -containing full detergent.
Lower washing temperatures are usually sufficient for normal outerwear.
Additional hygiene riders are not necessary.
So that no microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and mushrooms can collect in the washing machine, the machine should run at least 60 degrees about once a week in the hot wash.
The main washes in most washing machines are:
Recommended temperature: up to 60 degrees
Is suitable for: bed linen, towels, tea towels, tablecloths and insensitive cotton underwear.You can read here which washing errors you should not do with sensitive lingerie and at BHS:
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Recommended temperature: 30 to 40 degrees
Is suitable for: most of our clothing made of cotton or mixed fabric.These include shirts, pants, T-shirts, cotton sweaters, sweatshirts or socks.
Recommended temperature: up to 30 degrees
Is suitable for: clothing that must be treated gently when washing.For example, parts with applications, prints or a sensitive surface.
Wool, silk, linen and viscose are among the sensitive under the fabrics.You can find out how to wash clothes out of these materials here:
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Full detergent: This detergent can be used for insensitive and white laundry (wash cycle "normal"/ "colorful or.Use cooking laundry "/" cotton ") because it contains bleaching agents.Linters and bed linen, cotton underwear, hand and tea towels can be washed with this detergent.