
Sporty in the new year: The ten most effective sports for losing weight

Sporty in the new year: The ten most effective sports for losing weight

Sporty in the new year: The ten most effective sports for losing weight

With enough exercise, you can not only eat more, but also lose weight. If you're looking to shed a few pounds right now, you should take a look at what types of exercise are most effective for losing weight.

Sportlich ins neue Jahr: Die zehn effektivsten Sportarten zum Abnehmen

But one thing should be clear to you: you will not lose weight through exercise alone if the energy intake is not right. Many often overestimate their calorie consumption during exercise and then reward themselves with more food.

It's clear where this is headed: you won't lose weight like this. Therefore, it makes sense to coordinate exercise and nutrition in order to fight the excess kilos in the long term.
