
Sport in winter: The biggest myths |pointter.de

Sport in winter: The biggest myths |pointter.de

Sport in winter: The biggest myths |pointter.de

If you motivate yourself to jog even in cold temperatures in winter, you have already done a lot.After all, sport is a great booster for the immune system that you can use well right now.However, there is a lot to consider when exercising in winter.Pointer explains which fitness wisdom you can confidently forget and how training succeeds at cold temperatures.


Myth.1: Close as warm as possible!

When it is cold, you automatically tend to pack yourself thickly so as not to get sick.In winter, however, this is not a good idea in sports in the fresh air.Endurance athletes such as runners create thermal energy during training because they are constantly in motion.Clothing that is too thick means that you sweat a lot.Due to the evaporation cold you quickly get a cold.The perfect choice of sport in winter is the onion look.Avoid cotton clothing and gripping on functional textiles instead, the moisture from your skin leads away - so you do not cool out so quickly.Make sure that your sports shoes are waterproof.Otherwise you will come home with wet feet and get sick.Also important when it is very cold: hat and gloves.The head in particular is sensitive to the cold and should be protected.

Sport im Winter: Die größten Mythen | pointer.de

Myth.2: Warming up is not so important in winter!

"I don't have to warm up, I'm already going warm!"This sentence is not right in summer or in the cold season.In winter, your warm -up phase should take longer than in summer so that your muscles are prepared for the following training.Since this takes place in colder temperatures, you have to logically invest more time - preferably ten to 15 minutes.


Myth.3: In winter you don't have to drink as much as in summer!

Even in winter you should make sure to drink enough during sports.Due to the dry air, your body loses a lot of liquid.Therefore, carry your water bottle not only during training with you, but also take it with you for a walk.Do you have the feeling that you generally don't thirst that much in winter?That can be: in the cold, the natural thirsty stamp damps off.But don't wait for this to be used.This would already indicate a lack of fluid.


Myth.4: In cold temperatures you do not need sun protection!

The sun has a lot of strength - no matter what season you do in the fresh air in the fresh air.Even with cloudy sky, the UV rays penetrate to you.The UV radiation in sunlight is one of the main responsible for premature skin aging.In addition, every single sunburn increases the risk of developing skin cancer.Cold and wind often deceive over the strength of the sunlight in winter.Therefore, always wear UV protection, especially if you train in higher altitudes.

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