In the squashnet.de series Let's squash, the shoe suitable for squash is today's theme. Which shoe is best for squash playing. What distinguishes the different sports shoes? What are you...
By FITBOOK & quot; # 124; 03. December 2020, 17: 32 UHR runners know this: the toes have too much or too little space, the heel is missing the hold or the shoelaces go up all the time. Now running shoes have...
We tested these hiking shoes in 2020Wanderschuhe / link to the test reportPriceTest resultsHere you can buy the shoes Adidas Skychaser LT GTX (OUTDOOR test winner) 150 €SurroundingPrice comparison...
Welcome to formula one of the running shoes! Here are the latest competition models and light training shoes set up. In addition to all the details about the individual shoes, you can also find out here, from...
In this article: the barefoot trend of recent years seems to be over. But on the side of the runners as well as on the side of the manufacturers there are still supporters of the barefoot movement. And all right:...
Running lives on versatility. The freedom to constantly find new ways is further promoted by special trail running shoes. Using a waterproof diaphragm shoe through deep...
In this article: do you love shoes so much? Beautiful shoes, high shoes, shoes for every occasion. Often there is also appearance before wearing comfort. But then suddenly this unsightly thick...
rfaeun ndu csuhhe - the TIS thiancbnelk ien emhta order. Odch if mna nee k-strhßkatife a, ht eid eiw a rchepsuxnhe tklngi x (halul vla, gu) s öneknn the kstcicehns dun eeenutsrt shhuce a tnhic ...
DisplayThe Hallux Valgus is a frequent toe misalignment. The Regensburg orthopedist Prof. Joachim Grifka explains what helps. By Johannes HartlBy Johannes Hartl28. August 202104: 30 hoursPlease report...
With increasing age, the feet often change. The large toe shows more strongly in the direction of the neighboring toes, thereby the bales become more and more curved. Especially women know the & quot; bale toe & quot;...
Info ©st.museum-digital.de Leisure time fashion & amp; Beauty06 / 18 / 2021British researchers report an unhealthy fashion trend, triggered by lace beak shoes and already in the 14th century. There...
Painful misalignment of the bale toe is more than just an optical problem. Pain, inflammation and irreparable joint wear can be the result. In the early stage, conserva...
Medicine in Haan: foot Center awarded six consecutive timesHaan at the Haan Hospital St. Josef is given special attention to the human & quot; underframe & quot;. For this, the "orthopaedic foot chiru...
In natural and healthy primeval human feet, which has never been put into a shoe, the toes spread slightly apart from each other. We civilized people wear shoes-mostly in a...
When the shoe pushes, it & APOs; s not always because of the shoe. There are also very painful foot problems. Ballenzehe, hammerzehen and heel spur are common orthopaedic problems at the feet, for example...