
Lacrosse: What you need to know about the sport in order to have a say

Lacrosse: What you need to know about the sport in order to have a say

Lacrosse: What you need to know about the sport in order to have a say

Lacrosse - what is that actually?

Some may know Lacrosse from series like "Teen Wolf" or films like "American Pie".If you google the term "lacrosse", however, it seems that the sport in Europe is not very widespread.The mandatory Wikipedia article can be found, but there is no much more information (at least German-speaking).Nevertheless, there seems to be something on lacrosse.Almost 50 official clubs and teams are currently registered at the German Lacrosse Association that take part in league operations - and the scene has been growing for years.That's why we took a closer look at the sport and summarized the most important information for you.

The facts and rules

Lacrosse was originally played by the Indians.At that time there were no clear rules and the game served as a war game or competition between different tribes, with many dozens to hundreds of players.Due to the colonization, the sport made a way to Europe.Here he received in the middle of the 17.Century its name from the French "La Crosse" (curved handle, crook).Lacrosse spread to Australia and theBritish Islands, but was often considered the "sport of the elite" for a long time.In the middle of the 19.Century, the first lacrosse clubs were founded in Canada and the USA - where today it is a very popular and much played sport.And Germany?Here the game arrived in its current form, as a team and league sport, only really in the 1990s.Lacrosse is firmly established in Germany as a university sport and is also growing outside of the universities.

In general, there is a separation between women's and men's lacrosse, which also brings differences in the building and running out of the game.Our infographic shows what these are in short and compact:


The sport could not prevail as the Olympic discipline, but since 1967 there have been world and European championships in lacrosse since 1994.Germany has placed quite well in the (front) midfield of the tables in both competitions in recent years.Throughout Germany and internationally there are also championships and tournaments in various youth loungers.In July 2018, for example, the first women's lacrosse U20 European Championship will take place in Poland.

Interview with the experts

Eva Antures (22) and Max Steinborn (27) are currently playing Lacrosse as university sports at the Ruhr UniversityBochum and are both members in teams of the association "Bochum Lacosse".You burn for this sport.For us, they brought a little light into the dark when it comes to lacrosse.They also tell you why Lacrosse is definitely an underestimated trend sport.

Lacrosse: Was du über die Sportart wissen musst, um mitreden zu können

Unicum: What is the special charm of lacrosse for you?

Max: For me, for example, the special charm lies in the community.Lacrosse is a relatively small sport, you know each other after a short time, both within Germany and now in Europe and I think that's cool.At the sport itself, the quick pace and the mixture of tactics and physical contact.You need different skills to become a good lacross player.This is an exciting challenge that brings a lot of fun through the game.I've been playing for almost three years now and I don't have to stop at first.Eva: When I was at a trial training for the first time ago, the lacross fever grabbed me immediately.When I moved toBochum and started studying there, I went directly to the lacross team of university sports.I've tried a lot of sports in my life, but I just like Lacrosse best.

Who is Lacrosse suitable for?What skills or previous knowledge do you have to bring?

Eva: I think Lacosse is a sport that is suitable for everyone who is open to get to know and try out new things.Of course you should have fun sport - and like to be outside, for training even in winter.Team spirit is important.You should appreciate that and not be a total lone fighter.You don't really need any previous knowledge.We start again with the basics with every new university sports course.Max: Yes, even with the men's lacrosse you should above all be an open and communicative person.If you come from a different sport (z.B. Hockey,Basketball o.Ä.) kann das Vorteile bringen, aber im Grunde ist Lacrosse ein sehr anfÄngerfreundlicher Sport. Viele Leute sind AnfÄnger, weil es immer noch eine wachsende Sportart ist. Man kann Lacrosse unabhÄngig von der körperlichen Ausgangslage spielen.No matter whether big or small, muscular or not, everything brings its advantages and disadvantages with it, but everyone can play along if they feel like it. Was vielleicht nicht zu unterschÄtzen ist, ist die Hand-Augen-Koordination, da die doch wirklich wichtig ist.But you can train everything.And even if you can fit and catch it reasonably, you are totally confused with your first lacross games because there are just so many rules. Wenn man da einmal durchsteigt, wird es spÄter aber richtig spannend, wenn man Taktiken und Spielzüge entwickelt.

InBochum werden über den Hochschulsport derzeit drei Herren-Kurse aber nur ein Damen-Kurs angeboten.So is Lacrosse more for "hard guys"?

Eva: I wouldn't say that. Lacrosse ist als Herrensportart vielleicht einfach nur bekannter, zumBeispiel aus amerikanischen Serien oder Filmen. Frauen wissen oft nicht, dass Damen-Lacrosse ganz anders gespielt wird als bei den MÄnnern, wo es ja doch hÄufig ruppig und mit viel Körperkontakt zugeht. Das könnte ein Grund sein, warum Lacrosse bei Frauen nicht so hÄufig auf ihrer Liste der favorisierten Sportarten steht. Ich kenne Lacrosse zumBeispiel seit meiner Kindheit, von der Zeichentrickserie "Hanni und Nanni". Aus der Generation gibt es dann tatsÄchlich vermehrt Frauen, die dadurch selbst zum Lacrossespielen gekommen sind.Bei den jüngeren Studierenden, die jetzt ihr Studium beginnen oder gerade erst im 2., 3.Are semesters who often don't even know Lacrosse.Maybe one or the other know the sport from the series "Teen Wolf", but it is also men's lacrosse again.

Was braucht man für Equipment? Ist das sehr kostspielig und schreckt AnfÄnger unter UmstÄnden ab?

Eva: Usually most lacrosse associations have everything you need in equipment.You don't have to buy your own equipment directly.If you want to get in properly at some point and to have your own things, you first buy a stick.As with all sports utensils, there are models that differ slightly from each other.If you have already trained for some time you know what to look out for and which stick is suitable for yourself and your position. Preislich fÄngt das so bei um die 30 bis 60 Euro an, wenn man einen soliden Stick haben will.Otherwise there is actually only one mouth protection for women.This is also mandatory - every player has to wear such a thing in games.You have to invest in it right from the start.But better approx.. 3 Euro für den Mundschutz als tausende Euro für kaputte ZÄhne ausgeben.Eye protection also makes sense. Wenn man mal einenBall an oder in das Auge kriegt, kann das böse ausgehen.As a goalkeeper you have complete equipment and more or less full body protection.As I said, if you want, it is usually also provided by university sports or the respective club.Max:Bei den Herren ist das ein bisschen aufwÄndiger.We have gloves, elbow supporters, helmet, deep protection, mouth protection - which has also been mandatory for us since last season - and if you want, you can also get shoulder protection and/or rib protection.Of course, these are a few costs that come to one.But there are also large used exchanges, for equipment where you can buy your first equipment quite cheaply.As I said, the university sport also has the basic equipment that you need to play, so that you don't have to buy anything at the very beginning - except for the mouth protection.Unlike z.B. beim Fußball braucht man für Lacrosse aber schon mehr Ausrüstung als einenBall, Sportschuhe und -klamotten.

If you run lacrosse as a university sport, do you have the opportunity to take part in official games and championships with the team?

Max: Through university sports you have the opportunity to take part in the German University Championship once a year.This is (if possible) held for all university sports.Unfortunately, the championship for Lacrosse did not take place last year because no organizer has been found.If you want to take part in the league operation, you can do it by registering in a club.Then there are also the European and World Championships in Lacrosse.The men's World Cup will take place in Israel this year (July 2018).Germany is there again. Wir haben tatsÄchlich auch einen Nationalspieler bei uns im Team.He is in the Belgian national team's squad.

Ist Lacrosse eine unterschÄtzte (Trend-)Sportart? Warum sollte man Lacrosse spielen?

Eva: Ich hoffe, dass Lacrosse in den nÄchsten Jahren noch viel mehr Zuwachs bekommt und zu einer großen Sportart wird, die jeder kennt und alle begeistert. Es ist aber auch einfach eine wirklich tolle und vielfÄltige Sportart, die einem viele Möglichkeiten bietet und einen fordert, die aber vor allem auch sehr viel Spaß macht.You definitely get to know a lot of people and are connected by sport.Friendships arise very quickly and you can do a lot together apart from training and game operations.Max: I have a good feeling that youth work in particular will bear fruit in the coming years and that Lacrosse will continuously grow in Germany and become a larger (trend) sport.There are now some gentlemen who are getting too old to play and the youth have to move up. Vielleicht kann man da in naher Zukunft Teil einer großenBewegung sein. Und wer weiß, vielleicht wird Lacrosse demnÄchst (dann) ja auch wieder olympisch.And if you ask me: "Why should you play lacrosse?"Is my answer: "Why shouldn't you play it?!?"It is addicted to a certain way.You can totally work out, come together with great people and have a lot of fun.

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