
From the "Grinmmer" and the prophets - Bautzener Messenger

From the "Grinmmer" and the prophets - Bautzener Messenger

From the "Grinmmer" and the prophets - Bautzener Messenger

How much "Grinchmer" is there in the Prime Minister of Saxony? Michael Kretschmer had already asked last year not to go to church on Christmas Eve: "The Holy Spirit is everywhere, even if we are so alone." (WELT online, December 16, 2020) Completely deserted by all good spirits But the Christian Democrat was probably when he first campaigned for traditional Christmas markets to take place this year, shortly afterwards demanded that local politicians cancel them (the bilious green Christmas enemy Grinch was joined by Black Peter), in order to finally Ordinance to paralyze pretty much everything during the Advent season.

The revised Infection Protection Act approved by the new Bundestag will soon come into force. It contains a whole arsenal of ordinances with which it can continue to be encroachingly governed from the Chancellery. It remains to be seen whether the state parliaments will demand their say.

As is currently being shown in Saxony, where a corona emergency ordinance applies until December 12th, drastic conditions for the population are possible even without the members of parliament. The current “lockdown light” should not be taken lightly just because it is temporary. You want to bring people into line, but not completely spoil their mood. But who gets the proverbial toothpaste back in the tube?

Where is the return to normal everyday life promised to those who have been fully vaccinated? And what about their health? It might be cold consolation for them that they don't come to the hospital quite as often as infected unvaccinated people. But vaccination failure with serious consequences can no longer be downplayed. The virologist Alexander Kekulé from the University of Halle put it in a nutshell these days: “Vaccinated people believe they are safe. They were misinformed.”

But who was or is "man"? The researchers, the developers of the vaccines? The indecently high-earning pharmaceutical industry? Or is it big politics and the press that is subdued towards it? In any case, the catchphrase of the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” recited like a mantra has turned out to be an empty phrase. To quote Berlin's model virologist Christian Drosten: There is a pandemic "to which everyone contributes - including those who have been vaccinated, albeit a little less."

Nevertheless, politicians are dogged in the plan to vaccinate the population at any price, which is also to be taken literally. Recently even the children! Virologists already explained in February of this year how little that brings. But that was forgotten again or even then ignored. The French thinker and author Emilie Chartier (1886-1951) once warned: "Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is our only one."

Therefore, new ideas should actually be in demand, i.e. how to deal with the Corona crisis a little differently and possibly better. The district of Bautzen recently submitted a 1G variant. Which was well received nationwide. Even the left-leaning “taz”, which otherwise only has less good things to report from “brown under”, provided information about it.

The thought behind it: Whether vaccinated, recovered or not - contagion among each other cannot be ruled out everywhere. However, if everyone is tested, i.e. 1G applies, the maximum possible level of security is perhaps given on a daily basis, regardless of the conditions.


Not a few experts took a similar view at the time. Only in Dresden did people see things differently. The Bautzen initiative was blocked. For the responsible Saxon Ministry of Science, this model did not fit either in the Corona regulations of the Free State or in federal regulations. Don't worry that these don't cover everything.

That's not enough of the bad joke. It was also pointed out that, according to the current legal situation, vaccinated and convalescent people are to be considered “tested negative”. Is that just because it's written that way? This bureaucracy is definitely leaning towards fundamentalism.

In general: testing. Test centers were closed everywhere, and the tests themselves became chargeable. (A wrong decision that has since been revised.) “Those who don’t get vaccinated really shouldn’t be given the chance to avoid the vaccination by getting a free test.” So at that time the RKI boss Lothar Wieler. He was not the only one who wanted to make life as difficult as possible for the unvaccinated. Although they have long since learned how to deal with social pressure.

According to the "Berliner Zeitung" on November 18, Wieler made such a blunt statement in an online discussion of all things with the 2G pioneer Michael Kretschmer from Saxony, who may have felt a little too much inspiration from it; just think of the “hard breakwater”. The RKI boss now sees himself as a misunderstood caller in the desert.

They could be joined by the CSU Bavarian Markus Söder and the old Green Winfried Kretschmann, who are not only talking about a new lockdown, but are already talking about a state vaccination requirement. There is already no lack of imitators who diligently speak after their mouths. There shouldn't be a shortage of willing lawyers either, who will align everything with the Basic Law.

And then there would be Jens Spahn, who in his last days as Minister of Health tried to outperform even the indestructible corona oracle of the SPD, i.e. Karl Lauterbach (who is currently warning of a "monster wave"): "Probably by the end of this winter everyone will be vaccinated, recovered, or dead."

Well, that's a prophecy! But as it is said so aptly in "Wolf among wolves" by Hans Fallada (1893-1947): "The tongue is the weakest point of weakness." Jens Spahn (and not only him) wrote that in the family book.

Unfortunately, however, this selective perception of reality is reflected in the media. Even such embarrassing remarks too often go unchallenged. What was once said is rarely questioned afterwards. Here's a Fallada quote: "Clutter doesn't become order if you put a blanket over it." Or, I might add, the cloak of secrecy.
