Children and adolescents in need have a legal right to participate - for day trips and lunch in day care centers, after -school care and school, music, sports and games in clubs and groups.The federal government's new educational package specifically supports 2.5 million children and adolescents whose parents are entitled to performance according to SGB II (in particular unemployment benefit II or social benefit), social assistance, child allowance or housing benefit, and thus opens up better opportunities for life and development.
With the educational package, learning materials and transport costs can be subsidized when visiting a secondary school.Qualified learning promotion is made possible if children and adolescents no longer get along at school.This is a big step towards more motivation, more education and more opportunities for your future.
The services:
1. Kosten für eintägige und mehrtägige Ausflüge von Schulen und Kindertageseinrichtungen.The costs of the trip are taken into account, not reimbursable z..B.Pocket money or the expenses that are applied in advance, such as z.B.For sports shoes or bathing suits
2. Ergänzende angemessene Lernförderung für SchülerInnen; hierzu bedarf es einer Bestätigung der Schule, welcher Lernförderbedarf zum Erreichen des Klassenziels besteht (bitte Formular aushändigen lassen oder das Formular herunterladen!)
3. Kosten der Schülerbeförderung, jedoch gekürzt um den im Regelsatz enthaltenen Anteil für Fahrtkosten
4. Gemeinschaftliches Mittagessen in den Schulen und Kindertageseinrichtungen; hier ist die regelmäßige Teilnahme an der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung erforderlich, ein Eigenanteil in Höhe von 1 €(Kosten der Haushaltsersparnis) ist selbst zu erbringen
5. Schulstarterpaket - 100 € jährlich (70 € im August und 30 € im Februar) für Schulbedarf.Recipients of unemployment benefit II or social welfare receive the money automatically and do not have to apply.This is only required for housing benefit and child supplement recipients.
6. Leistungen zur Teilhabe am sozialen Leben; hier können 10 € mtl.For a approval period of 6 months, i.e. € 60, are paid for
The beneficiaries:
Recipients of unemployment benefit II, services according to the SGB XII, housing benefit and child surcharge can apply for the services from the educational package.
Attention age limit:
For digits 1 - 5 there is up to 25.Birthday, in section 6 to 18.Birthday entitlement to education and participation.
Required Documents:
We try to make the application as easy as possible.Therefore, the applications from the Job Center of the City of Kaiserslautern, Guimaraesplatz 3 and the city administration of Kaiserslautern (see responsibilities) can be made.Applications for services 1 - 4 can also be made directly in schools and day care centers.To subscribe to the lunch catering, the submission of the service notice in the facility is sufficient.Applications for services for Section 5 and 6 are also accepted by the Social Affairs, Maxstraße 19 presentation.
Jobcenter Stadt Kaiserslautern Guimaraes-Platz 367655 Kaiserslautern Tel: 0631 / 37091-0 Fax: 0631/37091-120
Social issue:
Mrs. Martina Flett, Tel.0631/365-22888 woman Marion Riesinger, Tel.0631/365-4075frau Monika Stumptner, Tel.0631/365-2336
Further information on the educational package can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs