For the third time, the municipal integration center (KI) together with the Stadtsportbund Herne (SSB) offered the "Sport and Language" holiday camp. It took place in the first week of autumn holidays (10/11/2021 to 15/15/2021). The final event took place on Friday (October 15th, 2021) at the TC Blau-Weiss Wanne-Eickel.
Following the holiday project, interested participants will be able to join Herner sports clubs with the support of Ruhrwerk eV. Ruhrwerk pays the association fees for one year, thus ensuring the sustainability of the project. At the beginning of July, the summer holiday edition on the sports field of Sportfreunde Wanne-Eickel came to an end (halloherne reported).
Claudia Heinrich, head of the municipal integration center, was happy about the successful week: “We took part in two different holiday activities. Once 'Fit for School', 90 children from six elementary schools in Herne took part. The program is also offered outside of the school holidays. We worked together with the SSB on the 'Sport and Language' project.” 30 children from the Hans Tilkowski School and the Wanne High School took part. In both programs, the sustainable language acquisition of primary school children with an immigrant background was promoted.
Regina Osladil, also from KI, explains how the programs were financed: “The money comes from the state program 'Extra Time for Learning'. We developed the two local projects mentioned in Herne. The Ruhrwerk eV association and Reifen Stiebling paid for the children's T-shirts and sports shoes for 'Sport and Language'.”
The children got impressions of various sports, such as tennis, wrestling and self-defence. The TC Blau-Weiss Wanne-Eickel took over the tennis part. "We can give children the opportunity to get to know tennis and have the opportunity to acquire new memberships ourselves. The children are absolutely delighted. The practice units with our trainers seem to have been very well received,” says Norbert Zielonka, 1st chairman of the association.
Source: Patrick Mammen/City of Herne