
What are frostbite?- Netdoktor

What are frostbite?- Netdoktor

What are frostbite?- Netdoktor

Von , MedizinredakteurinTanja Unterberger

Tanja Unterberger studied journalism and communication science in Vienna.In 2015 she started her work as a medical editor at Netdoktor in Austria.In addition to writing specialist texts, magazine articles and news, the journalist also brings experience in podcasting and in video production.

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Frostbite (also Perniones) are inflamed, red bluish, itchy and painful skin changes (Z.B.Swelling) that arise from cold and reduced blood circulation.Often they appear on hands and feet, especially fingers and toes.Mostly heal frostbite within a few weeks.Sometimes the doctor prescribes vasodilating medication and nourishing ointments.Read more about the topic here!

ICD-Codes für diese Krankheit: ICD-Codes sind international gültige Verschlüsselungen für medizinische Diagnosen. Sie finden sich z.B. in Arztbriefen oder auf Arbeitsunfähigkeits­bescheinigungen. T69Newsletter

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