
Taliban rule: a nightmare for women - news.orf.at

Taliban rule: a nightmare for women - news.orf.at

Taliban rule: a nightmare for women - news.orf.at

The women's rights were hard fought for after the last rule of terror of the Taliban.Between 2001 and today, Afghan women were increasingly striving for freedom and equality towards men.Male family members had to allow many of these freedoms, but women were allowed to go to school, study and practice a profession.The full veil fell away.But all women's rights that have sometimes been achieved with the help of the US armed forces who have now left Afghanistan are likely to be reversed.

Since the weekend, merchants in Afghanistan's capital Kabul have eagerly removed or painted off posters that unexplained women showed from their shop windows - a symbol of obedience and fear of the terrorist of the Taliban.This is shown by unveiled women in the sense of the radical Islamists.

„Ich warte hier, bis sie kommen"

In discussions with Western governments that had failed in Doha this month, the Taliban leaders assured that women will continue to have the same rights according to the Sharia, including the opportunity to work and complete an apprenticeship.However, women lose their jobs in cities that were overrun by Taliban-Intervisory."I'm waiting here until they come.It is not here who can help me or my family.they are coming.they are coming wegen Leuten wie mir, um mich zu töten", sagte etwa die erste afghanische Bürgermeisterin, Zarifa Ghafari, Berichten auf Twitter zufolge.

According to media reports, a number of working women and those who were until recently ensure that they are wiping their traces in the professional world to protect themselves from the Taliban violence.Afghan journalists reported the "Guardian” that girls in the provinces had already been kidnapped and enslaved by the Taliban.Religious leaders are said to have received the instructions to send the Taliban a list of girls over 15 and widows under the age of 45 to married Taliban fighters.

“Land that is on laws from 7. Jahrhundert orientiert"

The Austrian political scientist and Afghanistan expert Petra Ramsauer warned of a recurrent times: "There are already first, specific suggestions: there will be a ban on abortions, women are pushed out of their jobs, vaccinations are also being banned-a disasterin Afghanistan with very high covid numbers, ”said Ramsauer in ZIB2 on Sunday."It will be a country that is practically based on laws that are from the 7.Century."

In August last year, President Ghani intended to create a high advice for women before the planned peace talks with the Taliban-with 26 representatives of social groups that are committed to women's rights, including human rights NGOs, activists and politiciansand politicians.According to the president's escape, no trace of this project seems to be an exile.

Experts are now even afraid of the Taliban, a revival of the most brutal form of oppression of women, as they were in Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001. „Mit jeder Stadt, die zusammenbricht, brechen menschliche Körper zusammen, brechen Träume zusammen, brechen Geschichte und Zukunft zusammen, brechen Kunst und Kultur zusammen, brechen Leben und Schönheit zusammen, bricht unsere Welt zusammen", schrieb etwa die afghanische Fotografin Rada Akbar auf Twitter.

Taliban-Herrschaft: Ein Alptraum für Frauen - news.ORF.at

No education, rights and security

The declared goal of the Taliban is - from the times of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (1996–2001) - to live according to Sharia, the strict interpretation of Islamic law,.According to the terrorist militia, an environment for women is to be created in which they have to live completely without self -determination.

During the rule of the Islamic Emirate, women were not allowed to leave the house in principle, and if so, then only in Burka and with a male family member.Before the Taliban was last pushed out of Kabul 20 years ago, women were also forbidden to work and be taught from the age of eight.The Taliban mainly understand the study of the Koran.

As a result, schools for women formed underground.Students and teachers risk the death penalty there.Women was not even allowed without seeking a doctor without a male companion, which led to many diseases left untreated.From the age of eight, women were prohibited from being in direct contact with men who are not blood -related or married with them.Since the war alone in Kabul is about 30.000 widows, they were completely on their own.Many had no choice but to beg.

Pictures of violence are reminiscent of domination

Women shouldn't even wear shoes with a higher heel so that no man could hear their steps and thereby be excited.Women in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan were also not allowed to speak on the street because no stranger should hear a woman's voice.All windows towards the street should be painted over to avoid that women could be seen in their apartments from the street.Colorful clothing and nail polish were considered sin.

The smallest violation threatened spontaneous public abuse by law enforcement officers.In the worst case, scouts, torture and executions were the result.These were often staged as a spectacle in sports stadiums and in marketplaces.Pictures from back then gained awareness all over the world.A photo of Jodi Bieber, who shows a woman who had cut the Taliban off, was elected world -famous World Press Photo around 2010.

„Man kann nicht Millionen ungebildet machen"

Marianne O’grady, deputy state director of Care International in Kabul, does not believe that the story is repeated.According to it, the achievements of women in the past two decades could be difficult to re -destroy, even if the Taliban take over the power. „Man kann nicht Millionen von Menschen ungebildet machen", sagte sie gegenüber AP. Auch wenn die Frauen „wieder hinter Mauern sitzen und nicht mehr so viel ausgehen können, so können sie doch zumindest ihre Cousins und Cousinen, ihre Nachbarn und ihre eigenen Kinder in einer Weise unterrichten, die vor 25 Jahren noch nicht möglich war".

Human rights activists call the international community on the plan.Proposals are primarily to set up air bridges to fly out civilians from Afghanistan and bring it to safety. „Ausländische Regierungen müssen alle notwendigen Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die sichere Ausreise aus Afghanistan für alle Personen zu gewährleisten, die Gefahr laufen, ins Visier der Taliban zu geraten", forderte Agnes Callamard, Generalsekretärin von Amnesty International.Despite its troop withdrawal, the United States should continue to secure the airports, says Callamard.

„Zu diesen Maßnahmen zählen die Beschleunigung der Visaerteilung, die Unterstützung bei der Evakuierung vom Flughafen Kabul, Relocation- und Resettlement-Maßnahmen sowie die Aussetzung aller Abschiebungen und Zwangsrückführungen", sagte die Amnesty-Generalsekretärin.Countries such as Germany, Great Britain, the USA and Canada discussed possible evacuations by civilians until the end.Austria excludes this.“Basically, we believe that people in need of protection should be treated as close as possible to their homeland. Die individuelle Prüfung von Fällen auf Basis der bestehenden Rechtslage fällt in die Zuständigkeit des Bundesministeriums für Inneres", hieß es auf ORF.AT request on Monday from the Foreign Ministry.

SPÖ demand for a safe departure for women

However, the SPÖ women are calling for an active use of Austria. „Statt von Abschiebungen zu fantasieren, muss sich die österreichische Regierung innerhalb der EU dafür einsetzen, dass für exponierte Frauen eine sichere Ausreise sowie humanitärer Schutz gewährleistet wird", so Evelyn Regner, SPÖ-EU-Abgeordnete.“Minister (Karoline) Edtstadler (ÖVP, note.) hat als Europaministerin und Frauenministerin die Verpflichtung, die westlichen Bündnispartner*innen ins Boot zu holen und die Frauen zu retten", so die SPÖ-Abgeordneten in einer Aussendung.

Many women decided to escape from the Taliban at least until the end.According to the UN Refugee Aid (UNHCR), almost 250 have been.000 Afghans fled from their houses, 80 percent of them women and children.Since the beginning of 2021, the number of fatalities among the civilian population in Afghanistan has increased by almost 50 percent.

According to a UN report by July, more women and children were killed and wounded in Afghanistan than in the first six months of each year since the beginning of the records in 2009.The Afghan government, still in office until President Ashraf Ghani flee, blamed the Taliban for most targeted killings, which, however, deny attacks.
