
Slow fashion movement for the environment and social action

Slow fashion movement for the environment and social action

Slow fashion movement for the environment and social action

We are true masters of Fast Fashion.A sad record, our consumer behavior does not only harm the environment, but also us humans.What everyone can do themselves to change this and which textile labels help:

Interview: Verena Schmitt about the slow fashion movement

The jeans have a hole, the dress the wrong color and the shoes have a crack in the sole: we treat clothing like disposable items.For this, the German adult buys an average of 60 new pieces per year.Leo editor Carolin Keller spoke to Verena Schmitt about the rapid fashion carousel, the dirty textile industry and the resulting slow fashion movement.The graduate geographer and consultant for ecoland construction and nutrition has developed a "Slow Fashion Guide" for the Munich Environmental Institute.

We suffocate in clothes waste, boot animals, people and natural resources, poison the environment and us.Ms. Schmitt, is that aware of this when we shop?

Fashion has an enormous status in our society.Nevertheless, many consumers still have little deal with their production.With our “Slow Fashion Guide” we want to educate it and sensitize it - but also show how much fun it is to pay attention to sustainability.

"Less, but better," is the credo of the slow fashion movement.What exactly does that look like?

In our guide we give the necessary background knowledge and many tips for everyday life.I did intensive research on the topic for two years.This also included two interviews to read the advisor.Deepika Rao, managing director of Cividep India, a non-governmental organization (NGO) with its headquarters in the Indian Bangalore, which is particularly committed to strengthening the rights of workers in the textile industry, talks about the grievances in the industry.Diemode activist Sigrid Münzberg gives practical upcycling tips.

What did you particularly notice when researching?

It is significant that the fashion industry moves too little overall and too slowly towards sustainability.It needs binding framework for production along the entire value chain - and worldwide.Through years of pressure from civil society, the German Bundestag decided in June 2021 Dasief chain law.But the massive lobbying of business associations has hollowed out the law at crucial places.Much of the supply chain remains in the dark.It is important that the Federal Government improves here and is also committed to a strong supply chain law at the European level.

What can I do as a consumer to improve the situation?

If you want to learn more about the manufacturing history of your clothes, you can contact the companies directly with critical questions and research on the Internet.And you can pay attention to textile seals when shopping next.Otherwise, I advise you not to take every fashion trend and to consciously boycott every fashion company.

What is the fashion of the future for you?

More colorful, more diverse and individual.I hope that less the brand and more the story behind the garment counts.Mainstream can everyone.I encourage you to stop by with small and innovative labels that set sustainable trends.Whether ecological, fair, social, vegan, local or recycled: there are many exciting and future -oriented company models.


The guide can be the online and print version at the environmental institute under the environmental institute.Org/Slow fashion can be requested free of charge.

Four tips from Verena Schmitt for an eco-fairer wardrobe

Die eigenen Klamotten lieben: Kleider sollten gut behandelt und so lange wie möglich getragen werden.A hole or a broken zipper are still a reason to throw the clothes into the trash.With a bit of practice and good ideas, new favorite pieces.

Slow Fashion Bewegung für Umwelt und soziales Handeln

Neues Secondhand im Laden oder online kaufen: In Secondhandläden und auf Online-Plattformen kann man wahre Kleiderschätze finden.This not only protects the environment, but also your wallet!And if you want to get rid of a piece of clothing, then you should sell, exchange or give it away.

Wählerisch sein: Es ist wichtig, darauf zu achten, was in der Einkaufstasche landet.Consumers should think carefully about whether they really need the garment, whether it can be combined well and whether the quality is right.For example, well -made seams and not too thin fabrics give hope for a long service life.

Die Augen offen halten: Einer Jeans siehst man nicht an, dass die verwendete Baumwolle von Kinderhänden gepflückt und bei der Produktion hochgiftige Chemikalien eingesetzt wurden.Textile seals provide information about the conditions under which the garment was made.

Textile seal: trust is good, control is better

„Bio“ und „öko“: Was bei Lebensmittelnverlässlich ist, gilt bei Textilien nicht.Sustainability promises of companies are often unbelievable here and say little about the manufacturing process.A T-shirt made of "100 percent cotton", for example, consists not only of this, but 25 percent of dyes and chemicals.Therefore, you should pay attention to the textile seal when shopping - and check them closely.Verena Schmitt has taken over the seal for selected seal:

Der Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) ist ein empfehlenswerter Textilstandard, der die gesamte textile Wertschöpfungskette abdeckt mit Fokus auf ökologische Kriterien, aber auch soziale Aspekte werden berücksichtigt.

Controlled biological cultivation (KBA) or animal husbandry (KBT): The European organic seal is behind these two terms, as is known from organic food.It guarantees that the rules of ecological agriculture were observed in fiber production.It is important to take a closer look at how high the percentage of organic raw materials is.

Die Schafwolle in Textilien, die das Siegel Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) tragen, muss zu 100 Prozent RWS-zertifiziert sein.There are relatively strict animal welfare standards that have a constant access to the pasture.Genetically manipulated feed are allowed.The use of pesticides is also permitted and not specifically regulated.

Eco -fair initiatives - a selection

Archiv32.de: Vintage-Boutique in Landau, mit Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit/Slow Fashion

dariadeh.com: Die Österreicherin Madeleine Alizadeh ist bekannt für ihren Blog „dariadaria“, den Podcast „A mindful mess“ und ihr eigenes nachhaltiges Modelabel „dariadéh“

Elan RLP.de: Entwicklungspolitisches Landesnetzwerk Rheinland-Pfalz, Zusammenschluss von entwicklungspolitischen Vereinen und Eine-Welt-Initiativen in Rheinland Pfalz

Ethics-Landau.de: Faire und vegane Mode

fashionchangers.de: Ein sehr empfehlenswerter Blog, auch auf Social Media aktiv.Among other things, there is an extensive overview of eco-fair fashion labels

femnet.de: Vereinin Bonn, der sich für die Frauenrechte in der Textilindustrie einsetzt

louisadellert.com: Influencerin Louisa Dellert beschäftigt sich auch mit den ThemenNachhaltigkeit undUmwelt.She opened her own "Naturalou" online shop

Mein-Second-Hand-Aundb.de: Secondhand-Laden in Kaiserslautern

Palatina outfitters.de/haendler: Nachhaltigkeit auf Pfälzisch

second-hand shops.com: Liste von Secondhand-Läden, die Kleidung aus den Altkleidersäcken verkaufen

suedwind institute.de: Verein mit Sitz in Bonn, der sich für Menschenrechte und Umweltschutz in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten (auch Textilien) einsetzt

world heart.de: Fair-Fashion-Shops in Neustadt und Landau, auch online

Youtube-Channel Rethinknation: Einer der wenigen männlichen Blogger zum Thema Fair Fashion
