The market share of e-commerce at the German shoe trade has risen to almost 23%.For 2019, sneakers in particular are in demand among customers.These are two results of the current study ’industry report shoes 2019 '.
According to the report, the Germans bought sneakers with a total value of 592 million last year.Euro.In women's shoes, sandals were worth 610 million.Euro die Nummer eins. Pro Kopf gaben die Deutschen 2018 für ihre Schuhe durchschnittlich 349,72Euro und damit 6,2% mehr aus als 2010.According to the study, the stationary shoe retailer is the preferred shopping source for 51% of Germans.The distance trading is closer with a market share of 22.8%, the market research institute Marketmedia24 states.However, online sales of inpatient trade and the brand suppliers would also contribute to this.
Buying behavior different
The study also provides information about the attitudes and purchase behavior of individual consumer groups - based on the most important shoe models. So ist beispielsweise im Vergleich der Generationen die Ausgabebereitschaft für ein Paar High Heels mit 76Euro bei den Damen über 65 Jahre höher als bei Frauen zwischen 25 und 64 Jahren.Men with an income between 2.001 and 5.000Euro sind bereit, für ein elegantes Paar Schnürschuhe 100,60Euro zu bezahlen. Und Luxus-Consumer kalkulieren für die Outdoor- und Trekking-Schuhe der Kids knapp 74Euro.In general.However, in 2019 there are more replacement purchases.In contrast, 71.3% of female digital natives, 68.6% of luxury uses and 55.7% of women with a migration background are planning to buy sneakers.
About the study
The market research companies Marketmedia24 and NOCEANZ GmbH carried out a representative and target group-precise consumer survey for the ’industry report shoes 2019’.So gave 1.024 participants in February 2019 Information about who buys which shoe models where, how much it spends and what specific purchases for 2019, 2020 and later are planned.
More information about the ’Branch Report Shoes 2019’ can be found here.
According to the report, the Germans bought sneakers with a total value of 592 million last year.Euro.In women's shoes, sandals were worth 610 million.Euro die Nummer eins. Pro Kopf gaben die Deutschen 2018 für ihre Schuhe durchschnittlich 349,72Euro und damit 6,2% mehr aus als 2010.According to the study, the stationary shoe retailer is the preferred shopping source for 51% of Germans.The distance trading is closer with a market share of 22.8%, the market research institute Marketmedia24 states.However, online sales of inpatient trade and the brand suppliers would also contribute to this.
Buying behavior different
The study also provides information about the attitudes and purchase behavior of individual consumer groups - based on the most important shoe models. So ist beispielsweise im Vergleich der Generationen die Ausgabebereitschaft für ein Paar High Heels mit 76Euro bei den Damen über 65 Jahre höher als bei Frauen zwischen 25 und 64 Jahren.Men with an income between 2.001 and 5.000Euro sind bereit, für ein elegantes Paar Schnürschuhe 100,60Euro zu bezahlen. Und Luxus-Consumer kalkulieren für die Outdoor- und Trekking-Schuhe der Kids knapp 74Euro.In general.However, in 2019 there are more replacement purchases.In contrast, 71.3% of female digital natives, 68.6% of luxury uses and 55.7% of women with a migration background are planning to buy sneakers.
About the study
The market research companies Marketmedia24 and NOCEANZ GmbH carried out a representative and target group-precise consumer survey for the ’industry report shoes 2019’.So gave 1.024 participants in February 2019 Information about who buys which shoe models where, how much it spends and what specific purchases for 2019, 2020 and later are planned.
More information about the ’Branch Report Shoes 2019’ can be found here.
Helge Neumann / 02.05.2019 - 10:55 Uhr