
Player advisor Jasmina Covic in an interview: "A consultant said: 'You let the pretty ones play in the bikini and the ugly you lock away'"

Player advisor Jasmina Covic in an interview: "A consultant said: 'You let the pretty ones play in the bikini and the ugly you lock away'"

Player advisor Jasmina Covic in an interview: "A consultant said: 'You let the pretty ones play in the bikini and the ugly you lock away'"


Jasmina Covic joined the German professional business in 2014 as the youngest and only player consultant.Today she heads the Women’s Football Agency together with Brian Eylert (among other things Nadine Angerer and Lothar Matthäus) - once the first agency specializing in women's football advice.

In aDetailed interview with Goal and SPOX, the 28-year-old talks about the curious circumstances of her career,Derogatory comments and superficiality in women's football speaks.

In addition, Covic explains why men's football was not an option for them and criticizes the DFB forDealing with women's football.

Reading recommendation

Ms. Covic, in 2014 you were the first and youngest player advisor in German professional football.Today your agency looks after 35 players, including ex-Bayern star Gina Lewandowski and with world champion Nadine Angerer, a trainer.Your path to this industry is extremely strange.

Jasmina Covic: I studied sports management and business in Jena and also completed an internship with the women of the FF USV Jena, today's Carl Zeiss Jena,.Jena always played for relegation, so they were always happy when someone helped.The first points of contact with professional football were created there.I always had good contact with the players andDid a lot with them outside of work.OneDay one Jena player, who was also Canadian international, came up to me and asked if I could help her to convey a young player from Canada to Germany.I was a student, 21 years old and had no network.

HowDid you react?

Covic: I was amazed.IDon't have the arrogance to say that I can get it loosely.Then I advised myself with my brother, who is a lawyer, and spent the entire winter of 2014 to find out on the Internet about how such a transfer works at all and what I needed for mediation of the player.I have put together a CV for you and cut videos myself.I created an agreement with my brother.

Jena would actually have been the shortest way.WhyDidn't you just offer the player there?

Covic: In Jena it looked very bad financially.Only three international players were allowed to contract and needed certain permits to oblige a non-EU citizen.That would have become incrediblyDifficult.I asked the club for help, but nobody wanted it.They were not thrilled that the little intern was now on the other side.

Then howDid you proceed?

Covic: I picked out some coaches and managers on the Internet, looked at how the email addresses of other employees of the respective club are and thus recreated the addresses of the trainers and managers.That was pretty crazy.I just sent emails and hoped that they arrive.Need makes it inventive.

Did something come back?

Covic: At first nothing came.Then Sven Kahlert got in touch and invited the player for a trial training session.He is currently working for the BVB soccer academy in Egypt and was then a coach at SC Sand.Back then I even had my parents' flight forward - for a stranger that I have never seen before.The clubDid not want to pay him because they had bad experiences with it and playersDid not show up.I loaned my parents' car in Landau, picked up the player from Frankfurt Airport,Drove them to sand and looked at their trial training session there.Sand took it to the end and I received my first commission.

And they were already in business.

Covic: I was then recommended to another player for whom I tried to find an associationDuring my exam preparation in the university library.That was pure thrill.As a result, I acquired players in Germany.The whole thing then ran parallel to the course.At that time there may be a handful of advisors for footballers in Europe.

WhatDifficultiesDid you have at the beginning?

Covic: As a young woman, I was mainly at the table with men.They were quite surprised at first, but the contracts were concluded at eye level and with mutual respect.I also had no financial basis.My father bought me a BMW 1 Series at the time because I somehow had to come from A to B.And I couldn't arrive with an Opel Corsa, otherwise you will only be looked at crooked.Superficiality plays a major role, even in the women's business.

HowDid your environment react to your new task?

Covic: My family supported that, also financially, and was proud of it.Of course, this attracted attention at university because I was only present when I had to.My lecturers had understanding and also supported me, my fellow studentsDid not.They asked what I wanted toDo with women's football at all, that would have no future anyway and you wouldn't earn any money anyway.But I justDid my thing and always thought about how I can remove the whole thing.I have acquired other players from home and abroad and followed the competition.But IDidn't want to go on my own.

Which caused you to get in touch with Brian Eylert.

Covic: I met Brian in Frankfurt.He has been working forever at a high level.Brian was very critical at the beginning and was not really taken with the idea.It took a long time until he trusted me.But he thought it was cool that a young girl wanted to work with him andDidn't let it go.Cooperation with him was a jackpot.The combination of an older man with a lot of experience and a young girl who is motivated and brings new things was awesome.We travel a lot and get along well privately, even with his family.Brian and I managed to create one of the most successful agencies in women's football advice.Originally I had followed another plan.

Do tell!

Spielerberaterin Jasmina Covic im Interview: “Ein Berater sagte: ‘Die Hübschen lässtDu im Bikini spielen undDie Hässlichen sperrstDu weg’”

Covic: I wanted to work with a men's agency and contacted some.However, either none or aDerogatory feedback came.According to the motto: "Women's football is not interested in any sow anyway".A consultant once said to Brian: “WhatDo you want?You let the pretty ones play in the bikini and you lock the ugly.”Those who have expressed themselves are suddenly also active in women's football, the great women understanders and sometimes even call themselves women's football experts.I had to smile a little.Later I had some inquiries where I could have taken our girls with me.But I wanted to be Brian loyal to.I also connect numerous memories with the agency.Some agencies only hire a woman for the public, but the transfers make the men.Maybe it comes up again, because the topic is very interesting.Of course you have more options in the men's area.

What was your incentive to get into women's football?

Covic: During my internship I saw how players from abroad were brought and left sitting.How to sign contracts that they had no idea about and the consultant received the commission after the mediation and was no longer there overnight.I always tried to help where I could.It was always my wish that this area was professionalized.At the same time, I had a lot of fun to advance the whole thing.I had nothing to lose.

Did you also think about leaving women's football and entering Denmänner area?

Covic: That was not an option.The market is oversaturated.I had numerous offer and the financial stimulus was of course available, but I could also live from my money at the beginning.The men's business is a shark tank, so it's pretty blatant.For example, if you take away the players from the Balkans, you have to be afraid that you will be attacked.I am an honest and fair person.So I want to work and not be involved in anyDirty shops.I know many who tried in the men's area, couted players and looked after for years - until a large agency came and offered him iPhones and shoes.And he was gone.All the money that Brian and I earn today - and these are not huge amounts - let's try to scout and look after our players.

Consultants such as Mino Raiola or Pini Zahavi are often sharply criticized for their machinations andDealing with the clubs.HowDo you rate the public appearances?

Covic: I can't blame you.The clubs finally allow it and nobodyDoes anything about it.Raiola recently signed a Juventus player.Just for fun.Of course that makes an impression.Attention is always good.But is the player actually in good hands with someone who has no relationship to women's football?

Do such power games also occur in women's football?

Covic: Definitely!The playersDo not care whether the advice is bad or without any significant experience in women's football.Men come in expensive cars and branded clothing and tell how rich they are and which well -known men they have already looked after.That impresses the girls.As a result, they fall for people who have nothing toDo with women's football.Some players and parents are too naive.Dzsenifer Marozsan was once represented by Robert Lewandowski by the then consultant.When she realized that she came in the last place, she quicklyDecided on someone who had a clue from the women's football market and appreciates her.It is handled with much higher sums, so we cannot keep up.But that's okay too.A German international thought it was really great that she became the first woman at a big men's agency.They have never transferred a woman and have no idea.There are sometimes people where you just shake your head.

HowDo you mean that?

Covic: Many consultants work veryDubious.You can't learn the consultant profession in a classic way.That requires a lot of experience, knowledge of people and know-how.If you leave an agency that is good, please go to someone who has a larger network and can offer you more than just knock sayings.It was always important to me that even the girls who wanted to leave us are in good hands.That's why I have made my recommendations.It's about your careers and your health.I also handled transfers without getting money for it.Just out for good will.

Has a player ever been recruited?

Covid: No, I was never part of something like that.I was only stupidly turned on because a player from another agency contacted me and wanted to switch to us.Of course I couldn't help it, after all IDidn't consciously overturn them.It often happened that playersDoubted my experience.I've beenDoing the job for seven years, I have a certain qualification and am a lecturer for Leadership at the football institute.So I know the industry very well.And yet some prefer to go to a consultant who has never transferred someone.Maybe that's because I am successful, young and above all a woman.That prevails a certain envy.Men, on the other hand, mostly encountered me at eye level.

What are the biggestDifferences between women and men's football?

Covic: There is a huge fight for sponsors, cooking contracts and equality in women.You fight for everything.An average Bundesliga player has much easier than an average Bundesliga player.A national player of us is the only one without a commercial contract and shoe contingent.Adidas says you have no money.But when I hear that an average player can go shopping with the whole family and the consultant at the expense of the supplier, I have no understanding.We always worked closely with Puma because it was the only brand for a long time that was strong for women's football in our eyes.They now have the problem that the players are recruited from Adidas and Nike.

In other countries, women's football has been established for years and is one of the largest events.HowDo you rate theDevelopments in Germany?

Covic: There is no women's football concept created by qualified people.The campaigns we get from the association have no concept behind it.There is simply some sweet campaign that calls itself “football, the (feminine)”.Now a film is already being produced [the DFB is produced together with Warner Bros.ADocumentary about the women's national team, note.D.Red.]Did. Wir hatten früher schon Filme,Die keinen interessiert haben.Something is simply produced from reflex hypocrisy. GetreuDem Motto: “Hauptsache etwas machen,Damit sich keiner beschweren kann.” Es geht aber auch anders: Es entstehen immer mehr Fusionen, inDenen Lizenzvereine Frauenfußballvereine übernehmen, wie beispielsweise in Frankfurt. DAZN hat sichDie Rechte anDer Champions LeagueDer Frauen gesichert. In Sachen TV-Gelder oder Gehaltsstrukturen istDas Männerniveau natürlich nicht zu erreichen.

Welche LänderDienen besonders als Vorbilder?

COVID: England and Spain make it up to us. ManDenkt vielleicht,DassDas Machokulturen sind. Dort werden aber geniale Konzept erstellt, umDen Frauenfußball auf lange Sicht zu pushen. Das spiegelt sich inDen Sponsoren- und TV-Geldern wider. InDen USA istDer Frauenfußball zum Beispiel beliebter alsDer Männerfußball.There have full stadiums and larger inquiries. Die Spielerinnen verdienen mitDen Sponsorengeldern teilweise mehr als im Verein. Das liegtDaran,Dass in Amerika Vermarktungsgenies am Werk sind,Die immer up toDate sind. Im Balkan ist es zum BeispielDagegen schlimm. Die Spielerinnen bekommenDort nicht einmal Prämien, geschweigeDenn sind sie krankenversichert.

Was trauen SieDemDeutschen Frauenfußball in Zukunft zu?

Covic: Solange sich beim DFB personell nichts ändert, wirdDa auch nichts vorangehen. Der DFB lebt noch imDigitalen Steinzeitalter. Wenn ich mich beiDer FA als Spielerberaterin registrieren will,DauertDas 15 Minuten und ich kannDas Ganze online bezahlen.At the DFB I have to print everything out, sign it and send it by post. Ich habeDen Verantwortlichen mehrfach gesagt,Dass sichDasDringend ändern muss.The work is a pure catastrophe. Die machen nur etwas fürDen Frauenfußball, weil sie es müssen, aber eigentlich haben sie gar keinen BockDrauf.

Könnte eine DFB-Präsidentin etwasDaran ändern?

Covic: It is not impossible, butDifficult.If it is not sawed off as Fritz Keller, yes. Keller war in Freiburg ein großer UnterstützerDes Frauenfußballs. Ich fände Katja Kraus [ehemalige Fußballerin und Ex-VorstandsmitgliedDes HSV, Anm.D.Red.] suitable. Sie hatDas nötige Wissen,Die Erfahrung undDas Netzwerk. Wenn ich aber höre,Dass eine Nationalspielerin ohne relevante Berufserfahrung als Präsidentin gehandelt wird, frage ich mich, was sieDenn überhaupt vorzuweisen hat? Außer,Dass sie ganz gut Fußball spielt. Das Paradebeispiel fürDie Personalstruktur beim DFB war Steffi Jones,Die ohne Trainererfahrung plötzlich Nationaltrainerin wurde undDann kläglich gescheitert ist.Too much is still being worked with vitamin B.Ex -players without relevant expertise and qualifications are thrown at the DFB jobs - just because they played football well. Wo geht so etwas noch? Da werden Frauen eingestellt,Die keinen Stress machen statt nach Leistung zu urteilen. Sie trauen sich nicht,Den Frauenfußball voranzutreiben. Ich sehe es nicht als entscheidendes Kriterium an,Die Frauenquote anzuheben.The mix does it. Es geht schlichtweg um Qualität,Da ist es egal, ob Mann oder Frau, jung oder alt,Deutsch oder nichtDeutsch.

Wenn Sie aufDie letzten Jahre zurückblicken: Was war Ihre schlimmste Erfahrung bislang

Covic: I have felt that I always struggled with envy since my studies. UndDas habe ich heute noch, weil ich eine junge, erfolgreiche Frau bin.I found the doubts about my experience hard. Würden SpielerinnenDasselbe auch zu einem Mann sagen? Es überrascht mich immer wieder, wie sehr auf viele Berater geschimpft wird. Aus eigener Erfahrung kann ich sagen,Dass man über Jahre sehr viel für einige Spielerinnen tut und für sieDa war, als es noch keinen interessierte. Von heute auf morgen istDas alles nichts mehr wert. Es wird einem nicht gedankt und man ist sofort bei einem anderen,Der mehr verspricht.

Und was warDie beste?

Covic: Die Verhandlungen mitDem FC Arsenal für Malin Gut waren hochprofessionell.We were picked up in a beautiful car and driven to the hotel. Uns wurdeDie gesamte Anlage gezeigt, wir haben Per Mertesacker getroffen und waren schick essen. Vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag warDas einfach genial. Bei einemDerDrei Top-Vereine in Deutschland,Dessen Namen ich nicht verraten möchte, wird manDagegen gefühlt in eine Imbissbude ausgeführt. Da kriegen sogarDie Jugendspieler ein Fünf-Sterne-Hotel für sich undDie gesamte Familie zur Verfügung gestellt und verdienenDann mit 15, 16 bereits mehr alsDie Frauen.In turn, they have to see for themselves how they come to training. Für was? FürDie 3000 Euro,Die man im Monat verdient? Sie leben zwar ihren Traum, aber müssen sich unheimlich quälen.

Wie lange sehen Sie sich noch aufDiesem Weg?

Covic: Ich werdeDas sicherlich noch ein paar Jahre machen.Some players asked me what I'm doing when Brian gets out at some point.But that shouldn't be your concern. Eine Spielerin hat versucht, mir irgendwelcheDubiosen Gestalten anzuhängen,Die unbedingt inDen Markt wollen. Ich habeDankend abgelehnt.It is out of the question for me to share my work with a stranger. Solange BrianDabei ist, werde ich es mit ihm fortführen.We already have a solution for all other cases. Ein Traum wäre es, irgendwann einmal inDer Vereinsführung eines Männer- oder Frauenfußballvereins zu arbeiten. BisDahin freue ich mich, TeilDieser großartigen EntwicklungDes Frauenfußballs sein zuDürfen und hoffe,Dass ich noch viel mehrDazu beitragen kann.
