It is clear that men masturbate.There are also a number of euphemisms for it: waving from the palm, getting down, wanking and so on.Men are generally considered to be horny, drive -controlled, look porn and therefore do it themselves.But masturbating is much more than that - masturbating is self -love and self -care.For men and women.Frequency or not: If you masturbate, you are more balanced, get to know your own body better, become more relaxed and even happier.Therefore (should?) Women can also lend a hand more often.
In order to break taboos, the topics of "socially acceptable" must become: Education and education are important steps there.We talked to two open -minded and modern women, both book authors on the subject of female masturbation.Really read: On the subject of masturbating you can not only fill an entire book, but several.We asked Gianna Bacio and Simone Hotz and received exciting answers.And the two women agree: masturbating is not only important, right and good.Masturbating is also very healthy.
Gianna: In my book "Hand on it", I primarily describe the history of the female masturbation to prepare and explain to the topic where come from where we use terms that we use in everyday life.How was that with masturbation earlier?How is that today?Was it always taboo or where did this taboo come from?Then I explain how it was with myself how I grew up myself.I look at sexual studies today whether and how the topic is treated.Yes and then I also become relatively concrete in the book: I explain which steps there are, for example, or what you can do to develop your own sexuality.In my opinion, masturbation can help to make your own sexuality better.
Simone: I treat female lust in the book "Lust consciously".Among other things, it is also about (female) masturbation and the associated taboo.I would like to sensitize people, especially women, that masturbation can not only do them well, but also help them;For example, to get to know each other, to feel your own needs and the body.Masturbation is a wonderful vehicle to "learn" orgasm practice or to "understand" certain physical preferences.The word says it: Consisting is how touching, getting to know each other consciously and going within.
Gianna: I originally studied primary school teaching office.In the legal clerkship, however, I noticed that I don't want to work in the school system.I then managed to watch TV in 2010, where I moderated a reconnaissance channel on YouTube together with a colleague.The channel has increased and I noticed that I enjoy it full.After all, I have never had any problems talking about sexuality, has always been curious and liked to stand in front of camera.
And: I was able to connect with the passion to want to teach someone something, so the teacher thought.The larger the channel, the more I focused on female sexuality and my colleague on male sexuality until I have started my own business.I wrote the first book about masturbation in 2018 and now I also develop video formats on Instagram and Tiktok on the whole topic of sexuality.
Simone: As part of my training as a sex worker, I realized that I was not as informed as I thought.By dealing with sexuality, I noticed that I knew less about it than expected, although I was neither updated nor had I had described myself as unexplained or inexperienced.We see sex everywhere, we can also have a lot of sex if we want that, but many people do not know important details or relationships that they could possibly delight themselves (sexually).
Existing sex myths and customs limit us all.In this context, sexually free does not necessarily mean sexually self -determined.We may be more like something than to really find out and reveal what we need and want.In my view, knowledge of sexuality helps to have good sex.For me, dealing with sexuality had something illuminating.I became clearer and self -determined.I wanted to "multiply" this, so to speak, by writing a book (for everyone).
Gianna: In general, female sexuality is actually very one -sided or not at all in the media and therefore not the female masturbation.The topic of sexuality is omnipresent, but everywhere there is still the majority: women are preparing men enjoying fun.The fact that women can also have pleasure alone or among themselves comes so slowly, but it is not yet widespread.
And this means that women often do not even know exactly what they actually want, what they like, how they can touch - there are no role models at all.It is also biological that the female genitals are not so much apparent, but the penis lies on the outside and boys are already touching themselves from an early age.Girls, on the other hand, hear "Don't touch down there", which leads to a completely different understanding.But even in women, there is often ignorance of their own genitals: a survey among my followers: inside showed that most of them have never looked at themselves.And I think that's totally blatant!
Male sexuality and penetration of the penis are also supported much more by the widespread practice of the "pure-raus" movement than the female.If we look at the anatomy of a vulva alone, it is something that is not necessarily so appealing for many women.Many women come to me with an "It can't have been now?".
Simone: Because it has become socially determined that women are less sexual.This means that they supposedly have less desire and more or less embody the guardians of the monogamy qua "nature".Based on this thinking, women don't masturbate either.You have (biologically?) Obviously less sexual desire.
In my view, this is complete nonsense.We all learn sexuality and thus also the idea of sexuality and how it has to be.So we also internalize such sex myths.Myths and the resulting taboos, for example, prevent women from being conveyed from an early age to how important, great and helpful masturbate can be for them to track down their lust and sexuality and enjoy them.
Gianna: Yes definitely!I could now give a lot of reasons.On the one hand, the stress level lowers, it has positive effects on skin procurement (elasticity and blood flow to the skin) and it is in a good mood, since corresponding happiness hormones are released.After an orgasm you feel relaxed, happy and less stressed.And all of this is completely free of charge and is always available.So everything actually speaks for it.
Simone: Definitely!At particle levels, for example, released hormones ensure positive feelings.Adrenaline and endorphins are released in the stage of excitement and so -called relaxation hormones such as serotonin or prolactin are released after the orgasm.Our reward center is activated.Even feel-good hormones such as dopamine and oxytocine work through an orgasm.We feel deep joy and trust.
I think that positive emotional situations are definitely holistic healthy.But even global - psychologically - viewed masturbation is healthy.Only those who know each other well can do well with others.Against this background, body awareness and self-knowing is power or the opposite of fainting;Often we see women as the passive part and the man stereotypical as the active element in terms of sex.That too is a myth.In this context, it is more than healthy to show and request what women need, what fulfills and satisfies them.Sexual health and satisfaction do not fall from heaven.A person learns mindful sexuality;for and with yourself and for and with others.
Gianna: On the one hand, I think that we could change the systems: towards more openness to such topics towards such topics.In other words, design sexual studies in schools in such a way that the topic of lust is also brought across and not only the practiced "administrative pedagogy".Sexual education has to offer more than "How do I actually avoid pregnancy and illness?"
Female sexuality should also be more effective or realistic in the media.Film and television formats should show what women really like and that women get more at their money's worth.Perhaps completely twisted roles can also be shown where the man serves the woman and more "strong women" are shown.You are there - our society actually has to "only" show that we are already surrounded by real female sexuality.
Simone: By doing what we are doing: talking and writing about it;Discuss masturbation and deliberately illuminate.This encourages women, possibly arouses curiosity, reduces uncertainty and empowered them - and not just women.It basically applies to all people.
Gianna: So I always say very often to women "Hey you can touch and look at yourself, do it calmly!" But I think this hurdle is already too big for some women.What I can understand too.Then it is really important to take very small steps.This can be, for example, to get a book that corresponds to yourself.Either a scientific book, a non -fiction book like mine, but it can also be an erotic literature, or an erotic audio book.The question is: What is the easiest access to your own sexuality?My tip: Find out what defines yourself.
Simone: Invise is totally important and precious.There are many ways to develop sexually, also (!) By communicating with each other openly.However, this does not necessarily mean that I have to talk about all my friends á la sex and the city loosely - although a certain openness and exchange can certainly also free.Openness is a matter of type.I think when I can show myself the essential people, i.e. the people with whom I (my) sexuality, can show myself by conveying and discussing what I need, then I am on the "queen path";I can only motivate all women, get to know each other and actively tell themselves sexually in the right place.Worth it.
Gianna Bacio is the enlightener of the Internet.As a sex educator and author, she speaks and writes openly about sex and how he can succeed.With her book "Hand on it!" The Cologne native wrote a plea for female masturbation.With the podcast "Love Your Sex", on Insta and Tiktok, she now reaches over half a million people and is therefore one of the best known sex fluencers ever.In entertaining and relaxed species, it breaks so -called "taboos", cleans up with myths and normalized, which is simply the most natural in the world.She lives, loves and works in Hamburg.
Simone Hotz studied literary studies, sports science and pedagogy and, as a certified sex educator, deals primarily with the sexuality of women and adolescents.She is convinced that we are apparently free, enlightened and more casual than ever, but we deal too little with our real sexual needs.Lived sexuality needs more meaningful communication and general awareness.Simone was born in South Hesse and lives and works in Frankfurt am Main.
If you have even more desired for the topic, you can read on directly on the pages of the Techniker Krankenkasse.Because the more we deal with it, the sooner we'll put an end to the taboo.Find out what feminist pornography is and why the world would be more peaceful if we all become masturbated.
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