
Financial provision for women: simple and green - utopia.de

Financial provision for women: simple and green - utopia.de

Financial provision for women: simple and green - utopia.de

We take the World Women's Day (08.March) as an opportunity to take a closer look at an important topic for women: financial provision.What can you do as a woman to ensure your financial security in old age?Utopia gives tips.

Women still earn less than men and are often employed with longer interruptions.They usually take care of the children or the care of family members for several years.Women turn an average of 52.4 percent more time for unpaid care work than men.An imbalance that is referred to as the "gender Care Gap".

This means that women only pay in the pension fund on average on average, while men are working for almost 40 years and providing financially.The consequence: far more women than men are affected by old age.

Financial provision for women: efficient and green

So there is no way around the asset structure.There is currently hardly or no interest at all and inflation gnaws at the saving.So it is worth looking for alternatives to classic savings.Sustainable ETF savings plans are a good option that increases your retirement provision efficiently.

With ETF savings plans you even have the opportunity to support sustainable projects and industries while you are looking at your money while growing over the years.By choosing a green bank, you influence which business your money flows into and in which expressly not, for example not in the armaments industry or child labor.

It is advisable to think of a long -term investment at a young age and, for example, to rely on funds when saving.With an average return of 5%, for example, good sums can be achieved.

It is crucial, especially for women, to start with it as early as possible.

Kleinvieh also makes crap!

Sure, the earlier you set up your financial provision, the better.But should not discourage you, even later (for example at the end of 30) with the savings.Better late than ever is the motto.

Finanzielle Vorsorge für Frauen: einfach und grün - UTOPIA.DE

Don't let old beliefs stop and free yourself from the idea that only a lot of money becomes more money.Even small savings amounts have a big impact.Above all, the earlier you start saving.

Geld anlegen: Was ist ein grüner Fonds?

The idea of a fund is simple: you put your money in the hands of fund managers: inside that in turn

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Savings tips for women

The best time to start with the financial provision is now.So here are a few simple tips that will help you immediately.

For women under 40:

For women from 40:

Of course - and should - women under the age of 40 can also think about how to close the pension gap.You can also find out early and start with the financial provision.Even with smaller monthly amounts, for example, money can be put aside with a fund savings plan, for example.

Utopia says: In old -age provision, women are disadvantageous as long as the “gender Care Gap” is not closed and unequal payment of women and men does not belong to the past.That is why it is necessary (for women) to become active here.

Yes, it is annoying and it is exhausting to take care of your own financial provision.Especially if you already have to take care of so many things.But that shouldn't stop you from worrying about your future financial security - nobody else does it.In addition, the effort is actually lower than you think - and is worth it in the end.

Bestenliste: Die besten Ökobanken

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