It begins quite harmlessly: Chet Hanks, the older son of actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, has published a video on Instagram in which he comments on the corona pandemic. "Hey guys, I've been hesitant about this for a while so I've never commented on it. But given the number of people I know who have contracted Covid lately and the numbers rising, I think so I think it's important to tell you that I got vaccinated," says the 31-year-old. Then he appeals to his followers to do the same to get the situation in the USA under control.
But in the blink of an eye, Hanks' tone changes and he starts screaming. "I didn't have Covid and they're not going to stick that damn needle in me either. It's just a damn flu. Deal with it," roars the Hollywood star's son. People who are afraid of getting infected should just stay at home, says Chet Hanks. He's tired of wearing "that damn mask".
His parents also fell ill with Covid-19 in March 2020 and were therefore among those infected in the first wave. The couple became infected while filming in Australia and had to be quarantined for 14 days. The disease was comparatively mild in both cases. "We felt a little tired, as if we had a cold, as well as a headache and aching limbs," said Tom Hanks, describing the course of events.
After surviving the infection, the 65-year-old and his wife even donated blood plasma to help develop a vaccine. They actively approached doctors and asked: "Do you want our blood? Can we donate plasma?" Hanks said in an interview with US radio station NPR in April 2020.
His wife reported a few months ago that they would like to be vaccinated but it was not their turn yet. Whether Hanks and Wilson have since received a dose of the vaccine is not publicly known. In any case, her son turned out to be a corona denier with his video message.