
8 amazing reasons why barefoot is so healthy

8 amazing reasons why barefoot is so healthy

8 amazing reasons why barefoot is so healthy


Pack your shoes!Now barefoot running is announced.Therefore, walking is healthy and for these reasons you should do it much more often!

Everyone wears shoes and socks.Actually around the clock.Sometimes it is elegant, robust, warm and sometimes airy footwear.But wearing shoes are often spoiled by our feet, or worse: narrowed.

So give your feet a break and run barefoot.

When was the last time you felt the daisies between your toes or the grass under your feet?

Whether on a meadow or a soft forest floor - there is nothing better for our feet than going barefoot.But unfortunately we do that far too rarely.Our feet are almost always in shoes.They are not made for it.

The secret for beautiful feet in 5 steps

What barefoot shoes really bring

Those who like to run barefoot will reach their limits in cities and stony terrain.For this reason, special barefoot shoes were developed a few years ago.

Regardless of whether you roam through the forest, field and hallway or walk through the park: barefoot socks lay like a protective cover around your feet and enable you to feel authentic barefoot.

Barefoot shoes are a good alternative, especially for very sensitive feet.

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8th good reasons why barefoot is healthy

In the past 30 years we have far away from nature.Run barefoot - gross, that makes your feet dirty and wet.It is so good to walk over a wet meadow or moss.

The skin can take a deep breath and you can indulge in the moment.


If you suffer from the smell of foot, then this is often a sign that you are overacidated.The body uses the skin from excretion organ if it cannot dismantle the excess acids via other paths.What can help you is a lot of drinking and thus extinguishing the acids through the urine.

Barefoot is healthy because you sometimes let your acidified feet come into contact with air.But let's see that in detail now.

So: away with socks and shoes.Now is the order of the day!

1.Strengthens the foot muscles

Running barefoot not only means giving the foot more freedom, but also building the foot muscles.By wearing shoes, many muscles are not used in the foot and form back.

Going, running or jumping without shoes strengthens the feet.There are many more muscles, tendons and ribbons.

This not only promotes the health of the legs, but also gives the back more support.

2.Foot misalignment are remedied

Shoes that are too tight add the foot and malpositions can occur.Therefore it is advisable to go barefoot more often.By running with bare feet, muscularly conditional malpositions can be reduced or even remedied.

When walking barefoot, your foot has to adapt to the bumps of the floor constantly.This trains the foot muscles.

3.Why barefoot is healthy: it strengthens the immune system

You get sick from wet and cold feet.Nonsense!The opposite is the case.If you regularly go outside without shoes and run through wet meadows or cold stone floors, strengthens the immune system.It is only important that you stay in motion.

When you arrive inside, you should dry your feet and treat them some warmth.

4.Improves balance and coordination

Why is barefoot going healthy?Because it ensures better balance and better coordination.

There are a lot of receptors on our foot.The ability to coordinate develops by always feeling new substrates when walking barefoot.

So the body is challenged to adapt to that.

The receptors tell you how the floor feels.Whether it is cold, warm, stony, soft or uneven.

Those who often go barefoot as a child train their coordinative skills.So you can move well, you are stable and have a good balance.

Always stay wild.

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5.Prevents foot and nail fungus

Fear that you will not have a foot or nail fungus when walking barefoot, you don't need to have.By running barefoot, you can even protect yourself from it.

Because it is precisely the humidly warm milieu of shoes is a perfect breeding ground for infections.Especially people who wear sports shoes are often affected by this.

Due to regular barefoot, the feet are even better supplied with blood and good blood circulation protects against fungal infestation.

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6.Improves mileage and technology

Barefoot running also has some advantages.On the one hand, you have a shorter stride length and a higher step frequency than when running with shoes.

The short contact time ensures a quick and effective running style.Running with bare feet can also increase your performance.

In addition, you put your feet more careful when walking barefoot.This reduces the impact forces and reduced the stress on foot, knee and hip joint.

7.Going barefoot is healthy and ensures an upright posture

Mispositions in the hip or back problems often originate from the feet.If your feet are not strong enough or differently muscular, then dysbalances can occur.

This then leads to symptoms in the hip, the knees or back in the back.Going barefoot strengthens your feet and helps to prevent or compensate for dysbalances.

8th.The feet become less sensitive

Barefoot going on different substrates acts like a natural form of foot massage.It hardens your feet because the fat layer is reinforced under the epidermis.

Small stones or edges are perceived by the feet, but they are no longer perceived as pain.

The fact that increasingly cornea is created when running barefoot is not quite true.Cornea forms through friction and moisture and you rarely have this when walking barefoot.

So you make yourself a foot peeling!

How you can go barefoot in everyday life

That sounds really great now.But how can this be implemented in everyday life?Actually much easier than you think.There are many ways to go barefoot.

Going barefoot in the apartment is healthy

Pull off the slippers and socks as often as possible and go barefoot in your apartment.This stimulates the entire foot sensory and stressed back muscles, tendons and ligaments.

You also ensure that your skin can breathe.

Go outside without shoes

You should also take off your shoes outside in the park or on a walk in the forest.The best way to train your foot muscles is on uneven surfaces such as grass, sand and stones.

If you have a garden, you can go over the wet grass early in the morning.This is incredibly good, especially on warm summer days.

Never more cold feet!That's how it's done

Take off your shoes in the workplace

Especially at work, we often put in our shoes for a particularly long time.If you have the opportunity, you should go around with bare feet for a few hours.Place your lunch break into the park and walk around a little barefoot after eating.

This stimulates blood circulation and prevents tiredness.

Going barefoot and doing sports is healthy

You can do some sports such as jogging, dancing, badminton, volleyball, cycling or even training in the gym.Start slowly here, because your muscles are challenged intensively here and must first get used to the stress.

You can remove the cornea itself so easily

Our conclusion

Only through the barefoot running does the body learn to coordinate and be in balance.So take the shoes off whenever possible and treat your feet some freedom.You will thank you!

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