
Nike Sues Lululemon For Patent Infringement At Fitness Mirror - Stocks Mixed

Nike Sues Lululemon For Patent Infringement At Fitness Mirror - Stocks Mixed

Nike Sues Lululemon For Patent Infringement At Fitness Mirror - Stocks Mixed

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Lululemon Athletica IncShs289,75 EUR-1,23%Nike Inc.123,88 EUR-2,38%shares in this article anzeigenNike Inc.123,88 EUR -2,38%Hier für 0 € handelnAlle anzeigenWie aus der Klageschrift hervorgeht, sieht die Nike Inc. durch den Homefitness-Spiegel "Mirror" von Lululemon Athletica Inc. und seine Applikationen sein eigenes Patentportfolio verletzt. Es würden Technologien verwendet, die der US-Sportartikelgigant erfunden und patentiert hat, einschließlich eines Geräts, das den Benutzer zum Training auffordert, seine Herzfrequenz überwacht und Daten über seine Aktivität sammelt. Die Klage wurde im Southern District von New York eingereicht.

According to Nike, on November 3, the company sent the yoga pants maker a list of patents allegedly used by the Mirror and its apps. A response from Lululemon's attorney, filed by Nike with the complaint, said that after reviewing Nike's letter, the company does not believe the Mirror or its apps infringe the patents.

"The patents in question are overly broad and invalid. We believe in our position and look forward to defending it in court," a Lululemon spokeswoman said in a statement.

Nike did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Nike verklagt Lululemon auf Patentverletzung beim Fitness-Spiegel - Aktien uneinheitlich

Lululemon acquired Mirror in June 2020 for $500 million to capitalize on the pandemic-driven boom in the home workout market. Mirror, which launched in 2018, sells a $1,500 fitness mirror with a camera and speakers that allows customers to take live fitness classes at home.

Lululemon is also embroiled in a lawsuit with Peloton Interactive Inc., in which the sportswear maker is accusing the US fitness equipment maker of copying the design of its workout leggings and bras. Peloton has also had an international cooperation with Adidas since 2021, including for a collection of sportswear and online courses on Peloton training equipment.

Nike shares are down 0.27 percent at $161.82. The Lululemon paper also temporarily rose 1.60 percent to $368.28.

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