
Fuses after robbery in Oldenburg: Who can identify this man?

Fuses after robbery in Oldenburg: Who can identify this man?

Fuses after robbery in Oldenburg: Who can identify this man?

Oldenburg after a robbery in a jewelry shop in downtown Oldenburg, the police are trying to identify the perpetrator.Images of surveillance cameras, which were published at the request of the public prosecutor and with the approval of the district court, should help.

Überwachungsbild: Der mutmaßliche Täter (mit blauer Mütze) ist von einer Kamera aufgezeichnet worden.Bild 1 von 5Überwachungsbild: Der mutmaßliche Täter ist auch vor der Tat von einer Kamera aufgezeichnet worden.Bild 2 von 5Überwachungsbild: Der mutmaßliche Täter (mit blauer Mütze) ist von einer Kamera aufgezeichnet worden.Bild 3 von 5Überwachungsbild: Der mutmaßliche Täter (mit blauer Mütze) ist von einer Kamera aufgezeichnet worden.Bild 4 von 5Überwachungsbild: Der mutmaßliche Täter (mit blauer Mütze) ist von einer Kamera aufgezeichnet worden.Bild 5 von 5

Anyone who knows the person in the photos or can give other information on the identity of the perpetrator is asked to contact the police to contact the police.The responsible specialist commissioner can be reached on 0441/790-4115.

Before at the scene

The crime had occurred last Monday.As the police report, the investigation has shown that the alleged perpetrator was at the scene about 40 minutes before the actual act - apparently to explain the business.The man was also filmed here.

The evaluation of the video material and the previous statements by the witnesses showed that the perpetrator was a 30- to 40-year-old man about 1.90 meter tall man with clear overweight.

It is said to have worn a dark jacket, blue jeans and brown shoes with a lightly defeated sole.The appearance of the suspect was described as "Central European";The man also has dark or.Had dark blonde hair.He also carried a black nike sports bag.

The raid

In the robbery himself, the perpetrator is said to be the jewelry business, in which three employees were at the time.Have entered 10 a.m..There the man hit the glass pane in front of the shop window expenses with a hammer and reached into the display.

One of the employees would then have pushed the perpetrator away from the slice, with this injured person.Although the employees had tried to prevent the man from leaving the business, he succeeded in escaping at least one clock towards Mottenstrasse and then into the herbart gang.Investigators believe that the perpetrator has gone in medical treatment because of the not inconsiderable cutting injury on the right arm or right hand.

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