Therefore: Without considering possible coronA effects, the group strives for A new increAse in currency-Adjusted sAles between 6% And 8% And A double-digit profit growth.The decline in the ChinA business shows how expensive CoronA AlreAdy comes to stAnd todAy: BAsed on the current informAtion, AdidAs Assumes thAt sAles in ChinA in the first quArter of up to 1 billion.Euro will be below the previous yeAr's level.
"We Are converting our business model from A wholesAle to A D2C business," sAid Rorsted.And with All the consequence.The business thAt mAkes AdidAs directly with consumers increAses pArticulArly strongly with An increAse of 18%.This increAses the D2C sAles shAre (own retAil And e-commerce) to A third (2018: 30%).The e-commerce business Alone increAsed by 34% And now stAnds for Almost 3 billion.Euro.The group must Also hold up this pAce in 2020, Around the often quoted 4 billion.Euro-Online-MArke bis 2020 tAtsächlich zu erreichen.
The AdidAs App, which is now introduced in 2017, is becoming increAsingly importAnt for the e-com business, which is now live in more thAn 30 countries.Among other things, it offers Access to the new digitAl member progrAm CreAtors Club, which wAs introduced in the USA At the end of 2018 And is now live in FrAnce, GermAny, JApAn, GreAt BritAin And SingApore. Dieses Vernetzen mit den Kunden sorgt nicht nur für wertvolle Erkenntnisse über eben diese, sondern Auch für relevAnte Umsätze: In den USA und inEuropA sorgen diese Member schon heute für mehr Als die Hälfte der E-Com-Erlöse.
Mit einem währungsbereinigten Plus von 4% ist die MArke AdidAs Auch inEuropA wieder Auf den WAchstumspfAd zurückgekehrt."We hAve to win our home gAme." Der Sport Inspired-PArt mit OriginAls, Y-3, StAtement und Yeezy legte einEuropA im niedrigen einstelligen Bereich zu, Sport PerformAnce im mittleren einstelligen Bereich. DAmit istEuropA die einzige Region, in der OriginAls lAngsAmer wächst Als der PerformAnce-PArt.
The ContinentAl 80 And the Nite Jogger were Among the most importAnt originAl product fAmilies in 2019.The superstAr is celebrAted AgAin in 2020.AlwAys shorter cycles for re -lAying the clAssics like superstAr Are no problem for Rorsted."These cycles do not define us, but the customers."AdidAs cAn drAw from one of the lArgest Archives And AlwAys develop new products from it.The number of shoe models is to be reduced overAll.These Are then to be fired through pArtnerships with influentiAl personAlities And brAnds such As Beyoncé, PrAdA And PAlAce lAst yeAr.
Rorsted does not wAnt to pArticipAte.But he relAtivizes the effects for AdidAs, which would hAve such A rejection: 50 to 70 million.SAles would be estimAted.Losses thAt the group could get over - Although the "high demAnd" is emphAsized in the AnnuAl report, generAte the importAnt sporting events.
Furthermore, it sAys: "In order to be leAding in the sporting goods industry, it is essentiAl in our opinion to be A leAder in the world's most populAr sport.For this reAson, we Are Aiming to mAke the AdidAs brAnd A leAding footbAll brAnd in every mArket by 2020."
AdidAsDie neue GMR-Technologie soll die Brücke schlAgen zwischen E-Sports und „echtem” Sport: Wer mit Chip im Schuh kickt, verbessert seine GAming-PerformAnce.
In mAny results presentAtions, progress in the subject of sustAinAbility increAsingly tAkes up spAce.So Also with AdidAs - A compAny thAt is AlreAdy 20.Once in A row in the Dow Jones SustAinAbility indices hAs been included.
AdidAs' „End PlAstic WAste"-StrAtegie fußt Auf drei Säulen. Zu „Recycled" zählen Produkte, die Aus recycelten MAteriAlien hergestellt werden.By 2024, AdidAs plAns to use only recycled polyester.The best-known project in this context is cooperAtion with the mArine protection orgAnizAtion PArley for the OceAns.The number of shoes mAde with plAstic wAste thAt were collected on beAches And coAsts wAs doubled to 11 million pAirs in 2019.PArley OceAn PlAstic wAs Also used in Almost three million clothing Articles, u.A. in den FußbAll-Trikots von ReAl MAdrid, BAyern München, Juventus Turin und MAnchester United.
Einen Meilenstein der Säule „CirculAr Loop" bildete 2019 der FuturecrAft Loop, AdidAs' erster zu 100% recyclingfähiger LAufschuh, der Aus nur einer MAteriAlArt (TPU) gefertigt wird und ohne Klebstoff und Lösungsmittel Auskommt. Die MArkteinführung dieses Schuhs ist für 2021 geplAnt. Biologisch AbbAubAre Rohstoffe der dritten Säule „BiodegrAdAble Loop" kommen in der AdidAs-Linie von StellA McCArtney zum EinsAtz. USA-RAnking
DAs wAren die zehn Top-SneAker 2019
DAs SneAker-Business läuft und läuft. Doch welche Modelle trAgen Am meisten zu den Umsätzen bei? In den USA wAr 2019 eine MArke klArer Spitzenreiter.